Impressionistic Inspirations
The paintings listed below have all been painted in 2016
365 paintings in the "Year oft he Cube were also started on July 29th 2016. Scroll down when at the bottom of the page to see more work.


Appleton Farm

Appleton Farm


Hampton NH Beach

Commissioned for A play at the West End Theater in Portsmouth, NH

Commissioned painted. Raffled by NH Veterans Association

Sunflower Series

Sunflower Series

Painted Live at event. Commissioned by Town of Amesbury. The Fireball Rally ended in Amesbury and the town auctioned the painting at a gala after the race.

Was selected as the art to represent the 2016 Amesbury OIpen Studio Tour on Posters and all promotion

Donated to auction for the preservation of the Pink House on Plum Island, MA

Painted Live at the Blue Wave Gallery


Painted Live at the "Art in the Garden" event at Fuller Gardens in Rye, NH

Fuller Garden, Rye, NH

Fuller Gardens, Rye, NH

Purchased by Phat Cats Bistro, Amesbury, MA

Lawrence, MA

Salisbury, MA